R-24 Attracted Guests from All Over the World

In an industry characterized by technological disruption, fierce competition for talent, and harder access to capital, this year’s R-24 robotics event emphasized that there is still a need for physical events that bring people, knowledge, and capital together. The next edition, R-26, is already on the calendar. Odense once again brought together the international robot […]

Stay Connected with R-24 on LinkedIn During the Event

Join us for three action-packed days of robotics innovation at R-24. For real-time updates, news, exciting stories, and announcements, follow R-24 on LinkedIn during the event at Odense Congress Center. Are you ready to explore a wealth of exciting exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge robotics solutions across various sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and more? Have you […]

Experience even More Exciting Talks at R-24!

Visit the Universal Robots stand and discover exciting sessions that promise to transform your approach to automation. R-24 is just around the corner. And as we eagerly anticipate the upcoming event, we’re thrilled to spotlight an extraordinary opportunity for attendees. Universal Robots, one of our esteemed exhibitors, is presenting an exceptional conference programme that promises […]

Funen-based network BlueTech Center is a new partner at R-24

BlueTech Center is a newly started network from 2023 with a strong focus on the maritime industry and its implementation of robot and drone technology, among other things. We asked them to tell us more about the background of their partnership and their expectations for R-24. – R-24 differs from other national and international robot […]

Odense Robotics and R-24: Strengthens Denmark as a Robot Nation

A year ago, Odense Congress Center opened its doors to the big Nordic robot fair, R-22. In a year’s time, its successor, R-24, welcomes to the world of robotics yet again, and this time the focus is not only on Scandinavia.The robot event is attracting international attention and will be even bigger in 2024 with […]

The Best Robotics Cluster Worldwide

R-24 welcomes a new Spanish partner, the non-profit organization, AER Automation. As the Spanish Robotics and Automation Association they will bring the main Spanish players to the Danish event where they will experience the robotics cluster in Odense first-hand. Because AER has no doubt: Odense has the best robotics cluster worldwide. AER Automation dates back […]

IHK Flensburg Joins the Strong Circle of R-24 Partners

A new partner has joined the other 16 partners behind R-24. The new partner is IHK Flensburg, which will be the link between R-24 and German players within robotics, drones and automation and really put Schleswig-Holstein on the map in the international robotics community. On 13-15 March next year, Odense’s big R-fair will return when […]

R-24: A World Class Robotics Event

Yet again Denmark takes a lead in robotics. Odense’s grand robotics event, R-24, will return on March 13-15, 2024, and two of the industry’s pioneers has no doubt: it is a robotics fair with world class potential. https://youtu.be/2LpHw6Nj304 March 13-15, 2024, the European robotics industry gather at the Robotics, Automation, and Drones exhibition, R-24. The […]