R-24 welcomes a new Spanish partner, the non-profit organization, AER Automation. As the Spanish Robotics and Automation Association they will bring the main Spanish players to the Danish event where they will experience the robotics cluster in Odense first-hand. Because AER has no doubt: Odense has the best robotics cluster worldwide.

AER Automation dates back to 1985 and today they gather the main players within the Spanish robotics & automation market such as manufacturers, distributors, engineers, integrators, technological centers, startups, universities, education centers, and end-users. They are the right match for R-24 to attract European robotics communities to the event next year.
Therefore, the organizers of R-24 are very excited about having AER Automation on board in the broad circle of R-24 partners.
– We are very, very pleased about adding yet another international partner. With this robotics event we aim to become the best showcase in Europe when it comes to robotics, automation, and drones to implement in your business. And it is with the support of international partners such as AER Automation, that our ambitions can be realized, says Katarina Deylami, Business Development Manager at Odense Sport & Event.
Odense: The Best Robotics Cluster Worldwide
AER Automation also expects great value from the partnership:
– We have a great interest in promoting the event to our members and make as many of them as possible attend the fair in Odense. There are huge learnings to take home, says Alex Salvador, Managing Director, AER Automation. He continues:
– We see Odense as the most important cluster of collaborative robotics worldwide, a true example of a successful public-private collaboration and the place where there is no gap between academy and industry. Naturally, we have a great interest in promoting the event to our members and encourage them to be at the fair in Odense as we are very keen on getting our members closer to what we believe is the best robotics cluster worldwide, Alex Salvador concludes.
About AER Automation
AER is a founding member of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR, 1987), and since 2022 a member of CEOE, the biggest confederation of private companies in Spain, which gathers all the industrial and service sectors in Spain.
Currently there are 120 active members with presence all over the Spanish territory.
Its mission is to automate the Spanish industry -especially when it comes to SME- through robotics and automation technologies, as well as to establish a strategic agenda to face the challenges of the Industry in Spain. It also has the objective of guaranteeing fluid access for qualified young talent to industry 4.0 – while promoting the requalification of senior talent. Resiliency and sustainability complete the threefold mission of the Association.
Read more about the new partner on their website.