
Many different companies stand behind R-24, helping to spread the word about the event within Denmark and to the rest of Europe. It’s thanks to the invaluable industry knowledge of our partners that R-24 will be a huge success with the latest innovations, cutting-edge exhibitors, thousands of guests, and a fantastic atmosphere.

Meet our two ambassadors, our Advisory Board, and our various core and content partners.


Esben Østergaard 4 5
Esben Østergaard
Co-Founder of Universal Robots and CEO of REInvest Robotics
Thomas Visti 4 5
Thomas Visti Jensen
Investor and Chairman of the Board of Visti Unlimited and former CEO of Mobile Industrial Robots

Advisory Board

Søren Elmer 4 5
Søren Elmer
CEO, Odense Robotics
Sanne Vinderslev 4 5
Sanne Elin Vinderslev
Special Consultant, Invest in Odense
Roar Falkenberg 4 5
Roar Falkenbjerg
Education & Market Director, SDU College
Mette Lorentzen 4 5
Mette Lorentzen
Head of the Departments Vocational Education & Training and International Cooperation, IHK Flensburg
Martyna Waliszewska 4 5
Martyna Waliszewska
Investment Manager, Invest in Odense
Kasper Hallenborg 4 5
Kasper Hallenborg
Director, Head of Department, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU
Karin Sundsvik 4 5
Karin Sundsvik
General Manager, NFEA (Norsk Forening for Elektro og Automatisering)
Jyrki 4 5
Jyrki Latokartano
Chairman, The Robotics Society in Finland
Joakin Espeland 4 5
Joakim Espeland
Casper Hansen 4 5
Casper Hansen
CEO and Founding Partner, Technicon
Alex Salvador 4 5
Alex Salvador
Managing Director, AER Automation

Key Partners

Odense Kommune
Odense Kommune
Odense Investor Summit
Odense Investor Summit
Odense Robotics
Odense Robotics
Syddansk Universitet
AER Automation
Logo Blue En
Robotics Society in Finland
IHK Flensburg
IHK Flensburg

Content Partners

DI Digital
DI Digital
DI Byggeri
DI Byggeri
We Build Denmark
We Build Denmark
CCR Centre for Clinical Robotics
Videnscenter For Automation Og
Videnscenter for automation og robotteknologi
Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation
Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation
BlueTech Center Logo
BlueTech Center
TI UK Under 33pro 0812 Obs Kræver Godkendelse At Bruge
Danish Technological Institute
DLC Logo Blaa Pos CMYK
Danish Life Science Cluster
Food Bio Cluster Denmark Logo
Food & Bio Cluster
TDK Logo Sort Kopi
Technology Denmark
WRO Logo Denmark (002)
WRO Denmark
EH Fyn RGB Pos
Erhvervshus Fyn
South Denmark European Office
South Denmark European Office
Enterprise Europe Network
FundingBox Logo SVG
